Family Counseling

Homeschooling a Child with ADHD

, 2025-01-16T13:40:26+00:00January 8th, 2025|ADHD/ADD, Christian Counseling for Children, Family Counseling, Featured|

Many hopeful young parents dream of the bright future they can build for their child through home schooling. It’s easy to picture the idyllic scene of your children learning math facts around the kitchen table. You may dream of reading books together in a cozy chair and the joy of watching your child discover new things. But sometimes that dream gets derailed when you throw ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) into the mix. While it might feel like a wild ride some days, it’s also an opportunity to create a learning environment that is uniquely tailored and built around your child’s unique needs and interests. Home schooling a child with ADHD can make more sense than putting them in a more traditional classroom model. You might feel overwhelmed by the unique challenges of ADHD. But consider this: although you may not be specially trained as an educator, you’ve had years of experience being your child’s parent. A traditional school may not be the right fit for your child. At home, you can build a schedule that includes breaks when your child needs to move around. You can also incorporate hands-on activities that keep them engaged and give them one-on-one attention that might not be practical or possible in a larger classroom. When your child starts zoning out, in a home schooling environment, you can switch gears (and no permission slip or special accommodations are needed). The possible benefits of home schooling your child with ADHD are endless, but that’s probably not what you’re here to learn. If you’re here, you’re likely worried about jumping into home schooling or perhaps already struggling with home schooling a child with ADHD. However, it can be done and your child can thrive. Here are some tips that might help make the process less frustrating [...]

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Possible Signs of Bipolar Disorder in Children

, 2024-11-14T12:28:52+00:00October 3rd, 2024|Bipolar Disorder, Christian Counseling for Children, Christian Counseling For Teens, Family Counseling, Featured|

Naughtiness, rebellion, tantrums, and outbursts are all things every parent knows to expect in a child, but these can also be signs of bipolar disorder in children. Although it is quite rare, bipolar disorder can also occur in younger children, causing extreme personality shifts ranging from emotional highs to depressing lows. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, more commonly develops in older teenagers and young adults, but it has been known to appear in children as young as six. The diagnosis of bipolar disorder is somewhat controversial, with some experts believing it is rare and being overdiagnosed, while others believe the opposite is true. While it is not easy to diagnose in children, there is now enough study in this field that proves that early recognition and professional help are crucial. This article has been written to help every parent have a basic awareness and understanding of: Bipolar disorder in children. Symptoms of bipolar disorder. Causes of bipolar disorder in children. Understanding bipolar disorder in children The term bipolar in its most basic form means having two poles or directly opposite extremities. For example, in physics, the Earth is considered bipolar due to its north and south poles. In a mental health context, this definition also applies because bipolar disorder refers to a condition characterized by mood and behavior extremes. These extremes oscillate between two different states known as manic and depressive states. In manic episodes, individuals experience extreme excitement, hopefulness, irritability, restlessness, rapid speech, and increased energy. They may set unrealistic goals and exhibit high-risk behaviors. In depressive phases, individuals feel sadness, hopelessness, guilt, and loss of interest or pleasure in everyday activities. Sleep disturbances, appetite changes, and suicidal thoughts may also occur. Bipolar disorder in children is characterized by significant irritability, mood swings, and other symptoms. [...]

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ADHD Anger: Why is My Child So Angry?

, 2024-11-14T12:29:05+00:00September 18th, 2024|ADHD/ADD, Anger Issues, Christian Counseling for Children, Christian Counseling For Teens, Family Counseling, Featured|

Children with ADHD typically have struggles with anger. This isn’t the typical anger that is noted in normal child behavior as they grow and test boundaries. This anger is defiant, aggressive, and sometimes violent. How do we help children with ADHD? The most common answer to this question is seeking medication management. The second common treatment suggested is psychotherapy. As a believer, it is wise to seek a Christian professional who uses Scripture and faith-based treatment to help you understand ADHD anger. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. – Philippians 4:6, ESV What is the connection between ADHD and anger? Understanding the why behind ADHD and anger begins with understanding ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopment issue that affects the way a child thinks and behaves. Anger is not an official symptom of ADHD, but it is often connected because of the feelings of frustration toward unaddressed or unresolved symptoms of ADHD. The common symptoms of ADHD are inattentiveness, impulsivity, and or hyperactivity. Disorders such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse are also connected with ADHD. These disorders can all introduce or worsen anger becoming the behavior pattern of a child with ADHD. Not being able to regulate emotions makes it challenging for a child with ADHD to cultivate healthy peer relationships, enjoy family life, and have positive academic performance. Anger is a natural emotional response, but in children with ADHD, the challenges combined with feelings of frustration, anxiousness or helplessness can create a wave of intense anger. Typical behavior related to ADHD anger Being able to recognize the typical behavior related to ADHD anger is the first step in helping your child learn to regulate emotions. By identifying the [...]

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Make Your Garden Grow: Navigating Relationships and Personal Development

2024-11-27T12:46:25+00:00July 25th, 2024|Family Counseling, Featured, Relationship Issues, Spiritual Development|

Nature reveals that progress grows under the right conditions. Similarly, the seeds we plant in our personal development or relationships flourish as we invest authenticity and effort. We cultivate meaningful connections when we spend time, listening, and talking with one another. Giving to others and gathering what we need is a bonus of abiding interdependently in a life-giving community, whether comprised of one individual or an entire tribe. A relational transaction isn’t the specific aim, but mutual exchanges do sustain our relationships, blessing us through the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping. We harvest what we plant, and receive what we give (Galatians 6:7). It may not return to us in the same way or from the same place, but God stands by His Word. He ensures that we will reap benefits as we release blessings into others’ lives. The Father created us for community. It happens both deliberately and organically as we offer what the Father has given to us and enjoy what He has placed in others. Hidden Treasure God placed value for each of us in someone else. We weren’t created to remain in isolation, but rather to thrive in a healthy community. Though we may value relationships, they invoke challenges. We don’t have to look far to notice the toxic evidence of people maligning and gaslighting one another. Often, people are absorbed in their own pain and resistant to the idea of embracing solutions to work through challenges. Evidence of soul wounds often reflects the areas where a small relationship issue evolved into a stronghold that can negatively impact how we view others or ourselves. We may be able to recognize traces of unresolved relationship issues in our own lives. They often manifest in how quickly we become offended or angry and remain embroiled in resentment, [...]

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Establishing Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

2024-11-27T12:46:40+00:00May 30th, 2024|Anger Issues, Family Counseling, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Professional Development, Psychological Testing, Relationship Issues|

Healthy relationships consist of equal respect and honor. But sometimes, we are not clear on our expectations at the beginning of a relationship, which can cause issues later. Creating healthy boundaries in relationships lets your significant other know what you need and feel comfortable doing. If you started dating your spouse at a very young age before you knew yourself, setting boundaries now can feel awkward. As a result, your spouse may feel as if you are pushing them away. In this case, you may want to recruit the help of a couples counselor. What are Boundaries in Relationships? Boundaries in relationships are necessary to maintain independence and self-reliance. However, when boundaries become blurred, the give-or-take aspect of the relationship is no longer balanced. For example, if you don’t like your spouse to show public displays of affection, but he continues to do things that make you feel uncomfortable, you will eventually withdraw from your spouse or have an argument. However, you could have avoided a fight if you had discussed how you felt about public touching including what he wants and what makes you uncomfortable. Setting clear boundaries at the beginning of a relationship is recommended, but it is never too late to voice your needs and wants. This also means that you should consider your spouse’s needs and wants. For example, if you like to hold hands in public, but your spouse does not can you respect his wishes? A counselor can help you draw boundaries in relationships. You can set healthy boundaries for more than just the physical aspect of your relationship. The emotional, mental, material, and sexual elements are all areas you should be clear on what you will allow and the non-negotiable things that are deal breakers in your eyes. Examples of Boundaries in Relationships [...]

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Children of Divorce: How to Help Them Cope

, 2024-11-14T12:37:48+00:00July 5th, 2022|Christian Counseling for Children, Christian Counseling For Teens, Family Counseling, Featured, Relationship Issues|

Divorce is hard. Sometimes in an effort to protect ourselves from the hurt and pain, we inadvertently dismiss what the children of divorce think or feel. Or, we believe them when they say they don’t want to talk about the divorce or that they don’t care. We want to believe that they will come out of this all right. The truth is that divorce affects every member of the family. It’s important to be open and honest with your child, but also watch out for any signs that they are having difficulty accepting the new living arrangements. If your child is having trouble, it might be time to enlist the help of a professional therapist. Speaking to Children of Divorce There can be multiple reasons why the communication breaks down between parents and children amid a divorce. It could be that talking about the divorce is too upsetting to the parent, so they simply tell their child in a brief statement about divorce. It could be that the child is hurt about the divorce but doesn’t want to admit it. Children of divorce sometimes shrug off the situation to keep their emotions at arm’s length. They may feel betrayed and decide that it is better to distance themselves to keep from getting hurt again. Other children may blame themselves for their parents’ inability to cohabitate. Whatever the reason, you can prevent miscommunication by talking openly to your child about the forthcoming changes before the separation, if possible. If you can, schedule a time when both parents can sit down with the child and explain the new arrangements. There is no need to go into detail about why the decision was made, but reiterate that both parents love the child. Of course, sitting down with the other parent before the [...]

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