Haley Jansen

About Haley Jansen

As a Christian counselor, I am here to support you through whatever challenges you are facing and to help you move forward in your life, with God’s guidance. So often in life, we can feel alone in what we’re going through. We may feel separated from those close to us and even separated from Jesus. It can be powerful to sit with another person, build a strong, therapeutic relationship, and know that you are heard, seen, and not alone. I will offer you a safe space, free of judgment, where we can work toward your unique goals so you can live freely as a beloved child of God.

Ways to Reduce Anxiety in Teenagers

, 2025-01-16T13:40:59+00:00January 8th, 2025|Anxiety, Christian Counseling For Teens, Featured, Individual Counseling|

If you’re older, do you remember what it was like when you were young? There were things you were still learning and trying to figure out, and the world may have felt like a large, daunting place. Depending on your temperament and personality, this newness of the world and unexplored horizons may have been exciting to you, or it may have felt frightening and anxiety-inducing. Anxiety in Teenagers It comes as no surprise to us that teenagers experience anxiety. It’s important to note that some teenagers may experience mild anxiety, while others may experience severe anxiety that’s debilitating. This anxiety may be different from what they experienced when they were younger. It is sometimes a new development as they enter adolescence. People’s vulnerabilities and worries differ at each stage of their development. That’s why teenage anxiety often looks different from childhood anxiety, even though an anxious teenager may have struggled with anxiety for years by the time they reach adolescence. Younger children’s anxieties tend to focus on external things, while a teenager’s anxiety will focus more on themselves as the object. For example, a younger child may be afraid of the dark or of monsters under the bed. They may develop a fear of bees or spiders or get anxious at the idea of something happening to their parents. However, a teenager’s anxiety will often focus on the changes happening in their body, how others perceive them, and how they perform in school and extracurricular activities. Whether a child has struggled with anxiety before or not, as more is expected of them in middle and high school, anxiety can surface. As they develop an awareness and focus on their peers, anxiety can then become more severe such as social anxiety and panic attacks. While a certain amount of anxiety [...]

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4 Therapy Strategies for Adults with ADHD

, 2024-12-20T11:27:35+00:00December 6th, 2024|ADHD/ADD, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Attention deficit disorder hyperactivity (ADHD) is a disorder that affects the person’s brain, affecting their ability to concentrate and keep focused for long periods. This lack of focus can intrude on every area of a person’s life and is not only difficult for children but also for adults. Because it’s not as widely known in adults as it is in children, there can be a stigma attached to adults who believe they have the disorder but have not been officially diagnosed. For an adult who has trouble getting a diagnosis, there may still be strategies available to help them cope. If you are someone or know someone with ADHD, it can also be frustrating for the people impacted by the disorder as those who have it. Adults with ADHD need to have supportive people around who will help assist and encourage them with strategies to help them get through life’s demands. ADHD Therapy Strategies for Adults Because the disorder is more widely recognized, strategies are available to bring hope to those who struggle to get through and manage everyday tasks. Here are four therapy strategies for adults with ADHD: Divide Tasks Into Small Chunks People with ADHD have difficulty juggling more than a few tasks at a time. However, in the business of life, it’s common for a significant other, coworker, or boss to assign five or six important tasks for a person with ADHD to complete. This can be an area of frustration and could make them feel anxious or overwhelmed. To help combat these feelings, divide tasks into segments. Give them the most important tasks first and limit the number of tasks to no more than three. Encourage the person with ADHD to complete the three tasks. If they still have mental focus and attention, move on [...]

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10 Symptoms of Depression in Teens

, 2024-12-20T11:31:01+00:00November 26th, 2024|Christian Counseling For Teens, Depression, Featured, Individual Counseling|

You would do anything for your children. Walk over hot coals? Check. Drive an hour one way to a ball game? Check. Stay by their side through the flu? Check. However, the symptoms of depression in teens can be subtle. Depression is not something that you can take from your child and shoulder the burden, as much as you may want to. Instead, it will be helpful if you are aware of the symptoms of depression in teens so you can seek help at the appropriate time. Depression in Families Depression can run in families. If you struggle with depression, your child has a higher likelihood of developing depression. Parents and siblings with a history of depression can “pass on” the mental condition to another child. Whether due to genetic or environmental factors, children or siblings of people with depression may develop stronger depressive episodes than their peers. Depression goes beyond simply feeling sad after a disappointment. Feeling and processing emotions like sadness, disappointment, and anger is normal. However, depression can last several weeks, months, or years. Symptoms of Depression in Teens Teenagers go through hormonal changes that can lead to moodiness, irritability, and social withdrawal. But when should you become concerned as a parent that your child’s behavior is more than just temperamental teenage behavior? Could it be symptoms of depression in teens instead? The following is a list of the most common symptoms of depression in teens. If your child displays these signs for more than two weeks, they may develop depression. Reach out to a counselor. If your teen engages in self-harm or makes comments about suicide or death, seek help immediately. Feelings of Sadness and Hopelessness Persistent sadness is a hallmark symptom of depression. Feelings of hopelessness, dread, and emptiness can accompany this sadness. These [...]

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What Does it Mean to Receive Trauma-Informed Care?

, 2024-11-14T12:27:48+00:00October 19th, 2024|Featured, Individual Counseling, Trauma|

A person who experiences trauma has a hard time getting the help needed due to the alteration of their ability to recover from the event. Trauma is not the same for all people, so there is no one way to approach the healing process. Receiving safe healthcare for trauma starts with the ability of the caregiver to understand that trauma can impact a person’s ability to engage in treatment. This is the basis of trauma-informed care. What is trauma-informed care? Trauma-informed care is the practice of universal precautions for trauma. Just like the universal precautions for pathogens, trauma-informed care is a way to implement policies that will prevent the possibility of re-traumatization for some individuals. This type of care will promote an awareness of having a safe environment for those who struggle with trauma-induced health issues. Trauma-informed care focuses on reducing further harm and opens the door to healing. A trauma-informed approach adopts the thought process of having a complete picture of the person’s life to provide comprehensive and effective treatment. This practice will lead to an improvement in individual engagement. When the individual engages in treatment there is a higher likelihood of a positive outcome. This can also help reduce the cost of gaining effective health care. He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wing you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. – Psalm 91:4-6, NIV Why is trauma-informed care important? When it comes to understanding the effect of trauma, many people cannot fathom why some individuals have reacted in specific ways to a traumatic event. The common thought is [...]

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