4 Therapy Strategies for Adults with ADHD
Attention deficit disorder hyperactivity (ADHD) is a disorder that affects the person’s brain, affecting their ability to concentrate and keep focused for long periods. This lack of focus can intrude on every area of a person’s life and is not only difficult for children but also for adults. Because it’s not as widely known in adults as it is in children, there can be a stigma attached to adults who believe they have the disorder but have not been officially diagnosed. For an adult who has trouble getting a diagnosis, there may still be strategies available to help them cope. If you are someone or know someone with ADHD, it can also be frustrating for the people impacted by the disorder as those who have it. Adults with ADHD need to have supportive people around who will help assist and encourage them with strategies to help them get through life’s demands. ADHD Therapy Strategies for Adults Because the disorder is more widely recognized, strategies are available to bring hope to those who struggle to get through and manage everyday tasks. Here are four therapy strategies for adults with ADHD: Divide Tasks Into Small Chunks People with ADHD have difficulty juggling more than a few tasks at a time. However, in the business of life, it’s common for a significant other, coworker, or boss to assign five or six important tasks for a person with ADHD to complete. This can be an area of frustration and could make them feel anxious or overwhelmed. To help combat these feelings, divide tasks into segments. Give them the most important tasks first and limit the number of tasks to no more than three. Encourage the person with ADHD to complete the three tasks. If they still have mental focus and attention, move on [...]