Ways to Reduce Anxiety in Teenagers
If you’re older, do you remember what it was like when you were young? There were things you were still learning and trying to figure out, and the world may have felt like a large, daunting place. Depending on your temperament and personality, this newness of the world and unexplored horizons may have been exciting to you, or it may have felt frightening and anxiety-inducing. Anxiety in Teenagers It comes as no surprise to us that teenagers experience anxiety. It’s important to note that some teenagers may experience mild anxiety, while others may experience severe anxiety that’s debilitating. This anxiety may be different from what they experienced when they were younger. It is sometimes a new development as they enter adolescence. People’s vulnerabilities and worries differ at each stage of their development. That’s why teenage anxiety often looks different from childhood anxiety, even though an anxious teenager may have struggled with anxiety for years by the time they reach adolescence. Younger children’s anxieties tend to focus on external things, while a teenager’s anxiety will focus more on themselves as the object. For example, a younger child may be afraid of the dark or of monsters under the bed. They may develop a fear of bees or spiders or get anxious at the idea of something happening to their parents. However, a teenager’s anxiety will often focus on the changes happening in their body, how others perceive them, and how they perform in school and extracurricular activities. Whether a child has struggled with anxiety before or not, as more is expected of them in middle and high school, anxiety can surface. As they develop an awareness and focus on their peers, anxiety can then become more severe such as social anxiety and panic attacks. While a certain amount of anxiety [...]