Grief Counseling

5 Tips for Working Through Anticipatory Grief

, 2025-02-19T11:58:38+00:00February 19th, 2025|Featured, Grief Counseling, Individual Counseling|

There’s something about waiting that’s hard. Perhaps it’s not knowing how things will turn out, or it’s the desire in us to work with something we know. It could also be that we want to simply move from the situation we’re in to someplace else. Life feels like it’s about movement, which makes staying still and waiting quite a hard task. The hard task of waiting is captured quite well in The Lord of The Rings. One of the main characters, Pippin, is in a city that’s on edge due to an imminent attack by the enemy’s force. Pippin says, “I don’t want to be in a battle, but waiting on the edge of one I can’t escape is even worse.” That waiting can be harder than what is awaited. This is true in many areas of our lives. The hours before an important date, job interview, examination, or other important event can be nerve-wracking. It’s no different when we’re faced with something as unpleasant as the loss of a loved one. What Is Anticipatory Grief? When we think of grief, we typically think of it occurring after a loss has happened. For most people, they enter grief when they experience loss. The loss could be the death of a loved one, divorce or separation, the end of a treasured dream, or losing one’s home and community. However, grief doesn’t only set in after events have already unfolded. The emotions and thoughts associated with grief can be triggered and experienced before the loss has happened. The term “anticipatory grief” refers to the psychological and emotional response a person has to a loss that hasn’t yet happened, but that is in the process of occurring or is likely to occur. It’s grief that sets in even though circumstances haven’t yet [...]

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Coping with Grief: Scriptures About Loss to Help You Grieve

, 2024-12-20T11:35:27+00:00November 18th, 2024|Featured, General, Grief Counseling, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

The world we live in is a broken one. That brokenness manifests itself in diverse ways, from relationships mired in conflict, rifts between loved ones, having those you love taken from you by illness or some other calamity, and so on. There is much weeping and sorrow that accompanies our sojourn. Scripture reflects this reality and gives us the language to process our experiences and grieve the various losses we go through. In this article, we’ll consider some encouragement and tips for coping with grief. Grief comes to us all, and it does so in different ways. Rather than denying our grief, the healthy thing for us to do is to acknowledge that we have indeed experienced loss and to deal with that loss by grieving. For a believer, that grieving process is aided by resources such as a community of believers that mourn with and comfort them (Romans 12:15; 2 Corinthians 1:3-5), prayer, and Scripture. Grieving as a Process Grieving is how we respond to a loss. There are different types of loss, such as the death of a loved one, significant changes in your health, life changes such as achieving certain milestones or moving house, relationships coming to an end due to separation or divorce, and the loss of identity resulting from life transitions. These different forms of loss trigger an emotional and mental response known as grief. We don’t all experience grief in the same way. While grief is often associated with sadness, there aren’t any hard and fast rules about the kinds of emotions a person experiences when they are grieving or the duration of those emotions. Some people feel sadness, while others experience denial, anger, shock, regret, guilt, relief, a sense of acceptance, longing, or numbness. Grief is a complicated and highly individual process. [...]

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When Grief Comes Home: Dealing With Grief

, 2024-11-14T12:31:07+00:00July 11th, 2024|Featured, Grief Counseling, Individual Counseling|

Life as a journey can sometimes seem like a passage through a valley of tears. There are many joys to be had in this life like having friends, family, meaningful careers, ways to enjoy leisure, and the beautiful world around us. But our lives are also pockmarked with pain and loss of various kinds. One of the ways we respond to loss, whether it’s already happened or is imminent, is by grieving and dealing with grief. Understanding how grief works in your life or the lives of your loved ones will help you discern what is going on when loss rears its head, and also how best to respond. How grief comes into our lives Many different experiences in life can be the cause of grief. When we grieve, we are undergoing a process of understanding our loss and overcoming that loss. When we love something or someone, we form attachments to them. Grief is the emotional suffering or pain that we experience when that person or thing is taken away from us. Some of the ways that grief comes into our lives include the following: Bereavement The death of a loved one is one of the more common causes of grief. They could be a sibling, parent, partner, friend, or your child. Often, the deeper and more intimate the relationship with the person, the more intense the feelings of loss may be. Grief may also be anticipatory, as when you hear of a loved one’s terminal diagnosis, and you experience grief ahead of an imminent loss. Loss of independence If you’re used to being independent and able to move around as and when you please, losing your independence when you have an accident and become disabled, for instance, can trigger a grief response. You are losing the life [...]

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What is Group Therapy and What are the Benefits?

, 2024-11-14T12:38:13+00:00June 28th, 2022|Anxiety, Chemical Dependency, Featured, Grief Counseling, Group Counseling|

Life is better when it is lived with others. After all, we are relational beings at our core. When we encounter hardships, they are easier to bear up under when we have a community of support that stands with us through the storm. The encouragement and support of a community are invaluable to the process of healing. No one wants to feel alone during a crisis, and yet “I feel so alone in this” is a thought that many of us have had during a particularly hard season of life. There are certain issues about which we may feel shame and discomfort at letting other people know, such as addictions or sexual abuse, and those emotions only compound the feeling of isolation. If you are battling alone, or are only familiar with individual counseling, then group counseling may be an alternative to consider. Depending on the nature of the issue you face, group therapy may be the ideal choice to explore your concerns and bring about positive and lasting change to your life. Facing life’s challenges alone makes the journey that much more difficult, and knowing that others understand and share your struggle, others who have gone through it and have come out the other side, others who are willing to support you on your own journey, makes all the difference in the world and might be just what you need. As Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up…Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Instead of feeling isolated in your struggle, Christian group counseling gives you a community and circle of support made up of like-minded brothers [...]

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