Green Lake Christian Counseling2024-10-25T10:50:46+00:00

Welcome to Greenlake Christian Counseling

Join us at Greenlake Counseling, Seattle and find direction in your life. Receive quality individual, marriage/couple, or family therapy from Professional and Licensed Christian Counselors with insurance reimbusement from most providers.

Areas of Service include: individual therapy, marriage and family therapy, adolescent therapy, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, stress management, self esteem, life transition, isolation and loneliness, grief and loss, abuse, self harm, and spiritual guidance counseling within a Christian counseling perspective.

Build confidence in overcoming insecurities
Improve communication skills
Deepen intimacy in relationships
Hope for sexual wholeness
Strengthen faith and spirituality
Reclaim your voice in abusive relationships
Regain a balanced sense of well-being and reduce anxiety
Enrich life through marriage and family counseling
Break free of depression

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Fury Within: Understanding Intense Anger

What have you been taught about anger? Perhaps anger has been described to you as a monster that lives on the inside. Somewhere deep down where nobody else is supposed to see it: a monster that rears its head when stress or anxiety are at their peak, when a friend or relative disrespects you in front of others, or when you are deeply frustrated that you’re still struggling with the same issue despite asking God numerous times to take it away. Maybe you have come to picture anger as [...]

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